Title: Determination of liquid limit by Casagrande method and cone penetrometer


Keywords: liquid limit, plasticity index, cohesive soil, cone penetrometer, Casagrande cup

Abstract: The paper presents the laboratory test results of liquid limit (wL) of cohesive soils determined by Casagrande method and cone penetrometer with apex angles of 60° and 30°. The study was performed on the four groups of cohesive soils classified due to the clay fraction content. Test results indicates that in cohesive soils with the liquid limit less than 50% the differences between liquid limit determined by the Casagrande method and cone penetrometer with angle of 60° are small (±3%). In cohesive soils, with liquid limit more than 50%, liquid limit determined by Casagrande method in comparison with liquid limit obtained from cone penetrometer with angle of 60° is higher about 3–13%, however a smaller difference was obtained using cone penetrometer with angle of 30°. In cohesive soils containing clay fraction of less than 5%, e.g. clayey sand (clSa), due to difficulty in the formation of groove, it is better to determine the liquid limit by cone penetrometer than by Casagrande method.

APA style references: Matusiewicz, W., Lechowicz, Z. & Wrzesiński, G. (2016). Determination of liquid limit by Casagrande method and cone penetrometer. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 25 (3), 290-300.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Matusiewicz, Lechowicz & Wrzesiński, 2016), next citation: (Matusiewicz et al., 2016)

Chicago style references: Matusiewicz, Władysław, Zbigniew Lechowicz, Grzegorz Wrzesiński. "Determination of liquid limit by Casagrande method and cone penetrometer." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 73 ser., vol. 25, no 3, (2016): 290-300.

Chicago style citation in text: (Matusiewicz, Lechowicz, and Wrzesiński 2016)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Matusiewicz_Lechowicz_Wrzesiński_2016_PNIKS, author={Matusiewicz, Władysław and Lechowicz, Zbigniew and Wrzesiński, Grzegorz}, language={polish}, title={Determination of liquid limit by Casagrande method and cone penetrometer.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN73/A4/art4.pdf}, year={2016}, volume={25 (3)}, number={73}, pages={290-300}}

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