Title: The index method for the environmental resources evaluation in rural areas

Authors: MAJEWSKA, J.

Keywords: rural communes, sustainable development indicators, area environmental sustainability level

Abstract: The aim of the study was to develop a method for evaluating environmental resources of rural areas, which would indicate the direction of the rural communes’ development. The index method, allowing for evaluation of overall environmental sustainability level of the area, was proposed. The method bases on 37 indicators of sustainable development, customized to specific rural areas conditions. Indicators are normalized using 5-points scale and then aggregated as the sum of products of their ratings constituents and weights. The proposed method may be used as simply tool to formulate a strategy for the development of rural communes

APA style references: Majewska, J. (2015). The index method for the environmental resources evaluation in rural areas. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 24 (4), 372-380.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Majewska, 2015), next citation: (Majewska, 2015)

Chicago style references: Majewska, Justyna. "The index method for the environmental resources evaluation in rural areas." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 70 ser., vol. 24, no 4, (2015): 372-380.

Chicago style citation in text: (Majewska 2015)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Majewska_2015_PNIKS, author={Majewska, Justyna}, title={The index method for the environmental resources evaluation in rural areas.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN70/A6/art6.pdf}, year={2015}, volume={24 (4)}, number={70}, pages={372-380}}

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