Title: Quantity of water retention in the reclaimed valley mid-forest (Forest Parczew)

Authors: GRZYWNA, A.

Keywords: water retention, Parczew Forests, wetlands, watercourses

Abstract: The aim of the study is to analyze the size of water retention in the ecosystem of meadows in the drainage facility located in the central part of the Forest Parczew. The paper presents the results achieved so far made on the subject of actions in order to increase the volume of retained water through an increase in tray like and wetlands retention. Assess the possibility of retention and obtained as a result of controlling the outflow of retention specified for the actual hydrological conditions in 2012. In terms of the total amount of spring flooding an area of pooled water may exceed 4.5 million m3 . Due to the lack of damming is impossible to achieve. In the present circumstances you can retentions only 265 thousand m3 of water in the topsoil and over 12 thousand m3 in river courses. In the analyzed catchment water can be impounded in peat bogs and silts in the river Ochożanki and ditches drainage network.

APA style references: Grzywna, A. (2014). Quantity of water retention in the reclaimed valley mid-forest (Forest Parczew). Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 23 (2), 124-130.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Grzywna, 2014), next citation: (Grzywna, 2014)

Chicago style references: Grzywna, Antoni. "Quantity of water retention in the reclaimed valley mid-forest (Forest Parczew)." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 64 ser., vol. 23, no 2, (2014): 124-130.

Chicago style citation in text: (Grzywna 2014)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Grzywna_2014_PNIKS, author={Grzywna, Antoni}, title={Quantity of water retention in the reclaimed valley mid-forest (Forest Parczew).}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN64/A2/art2.pdf}, year={2014}, volume={23 (2)}, number={64}, pages={124-130}}

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