Title: Standards of energy efficiency buildings from the point of view of architectural designing

Authors: GÓRECKA, M.

Keywords: energy efficiency building, thermoenergetic characteristic, architecture

Abstract: The paper explains the term of energy efficiency building and characterizes the energetic standards of architecture and their influence on the architectural forms, which is connected to some controversial, esthetic and formal items, a bit harder to evaluate. The architectural forms of buildings being created nowadays have been classified in three main groups: the traditional and moderate forms as well as the forms of energy efficiency formalism. There has been stated that the architectural forms of the buildings of rational thermoenergetic characteristic are elastic enough that there is possible to diversify the forms in dependence on regional building traditions as well as to take into account the constantly varying architectural trends. The aspirations to more and more significant reduction of the energy consumption are connected to simultaneous limitation of this elasticity and growth of capital outlays. The architectural forms analysis taking into account energetic standards has been carried out with the use of the chosen examples of energy efficiency buildings in Germany and Poland.

APA style references: Górecka, M. (2009). Standards of energy efficiency buildings from the point of view of architectural designing. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 18 (3), 35-46.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Górecka, 2009), next citation: (Górecka, 2009)

Chicago style references: Górecka, Mirosława. "Standards of energy efficiency buildings from the point of view of architectural designing." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 45 ser., vol. 18, no 3, (2009): 35-46.

Chicago style citation in text: (Górecka 2009)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Górecka_2009_PNIKS, author={Górecka, Mirosława}, title={Standards of energy efficiency buildings from the point of view of architectural designing.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN45/A4/art4.pdf}, year={2009}, volume={18 (3)}, number={45}, pages={35-46}}

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