Scientific Review
Engineering and Environmental Sciences
ISSN   1732-9353
eISSN  2543-7496

Editorial Office E-mail
Przegląd Naukowy Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska
Vol. 30
Issue 4(94)

Spis treści

Prace oryginalne
Original papers

ABBADI, M.S. (0000-0002-9831-9487), LAMDOUAR, N.: Multi-objective optimization of elastomeric bearings to improve seismic performance of old bridges using eigen analysis and genetic algorithms

JOSSI, E. (0000-0002-8021-5911), CHAY, A., BOMBOM, R., MOHAMAD , S.: Integrated assessment of urban land carrying capacity (ULCC) for reducing earthquake risk disaster in Palu City

ALKHATTAT, S.S. (0000-0002-1922-9871), AL-RAMAHEE, M.A.: Shear performance of reinforced self-compacting concrete beams incorporating steel and polypropylene fibers

NAWI, N.M., MAT YUSOF, D.A., SHARIPUDIN, S.S., MOHD HALIM, N.F., MOHAMAD, N.M.: Study on potential of soil stabilization using concrete sludge of batching plant (CSBP)

BAKHTIAR, SUKOSO, SAIDA.: Use of sulfate-reducing bacteria and different organic fertilizer for bioremediation of ex-nickel mining soils

PAREDES PÁLIZ, K. (0000-0002-5474-2566), CUNACHI, A.M., LICTA, E.: Reduction of the soil environmental impact caused by the presence of total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) by using Pseudomonas sp