Title: Differences in thickness variations of activated carbon in decreasing oil and grease levels using modified grease trap on the canteen wastewater
Authors (ORCID): FIKRI, E. (0000-0001-7196-6011), HANIFATI, D., HIDAYAH, N.
Keywords: canteen wastewater, modified grease trap, thickness, activated carbon, oil, and grease
Abstract: Wastewater is residual water of industrial activities and domestic wastewater that is derived from daily activities of human life related to water usage, such wastewater should not be discharged into water bodies if it has not met the standards based on the regulation. Oil and grease contained in the water bodies will form a layer on the surface because the density of oil is lower than the density of water. The layer of oil and grease will block the entry of sunlight and cause the inability in the photosynthesis process of aquatic plants. The textile industry facilitates canteens within the company which operates daily at 11.00–13.00 Western Indonesian Time, resulting in the domestic wastewater from the canteen kitchen activities. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the thickness variations of activated carbon to reduce oil and grease levels using modified grease traps on the canteen wastewater at PT. Sipatex Putri Lestari. The type of study used was categorized as a field experiment with a pretest–posttest research design. The population of the study was the entire canteen wastewater of PT. Sipatex Putri Lestari. The sampling technique used the time composite method. The univariate analysis of the study showed the average number of decreases in oil and grease levels in the treatment as 12.32, 15.98 and
DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2021.30.1.10
APA style references: Fikri, E., Hanifati, D. & Hidayah, N. (2021). Differences in thickness variations of activated carbon in decreasing oil and grease levels using modified grease trap on the canteen wastewater. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 30 (1), 106-116. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2021.30.1.10
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Fikri, Hanifati & Hidayah, 2021), next citation: (Fikri et al., 2021)
Chicago style references: Fikri, Elanda, Dhaifina Hanifati, Nurul Hidayah. "Differences in thickness variations of activated carbon in decreasing oil and grease levels using modified grease trap on the canteen wastewater." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 91 ser., vol. 30, no 1, (2021): 106-116. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2021.30.1.10.
Chicago style citation in text: (Fikri, Hanifati, and Hidayah 2021)
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