Scientific Review
Engineering and Environmental Sciences
ISSN   1732-9353
eISSN  2543-7496

Editorial Office E-mail
Przegląd Naukowy Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska
Vol. 29
Issue 4(90)

Title: The effect of alcohol at the workplace with the use of scaffolding on individual’s occupational accident risk

Authors (ORCID): SAWICKI, M. (0000-0002-1220-0494), SZÓSTAK, M. (0000-0003-4439-6599)

Keywords: scaffolding, accident at work, occupational health and safety, drugs, alcohol

Abstract: The consumption of alcohol in the workplace is strictly prohibited. Unfortunately, this interdict is often broken. Alcohol intoxication of an employee could lead to a threat, and in the worst case could also lead to permanent disability or even death. The aim of the research was to identify the main problems associated with heavy drinking of alcohol and consumption at work among construction workers. Data for the analysis were obtained from post-accident protocols (analyzed 219 people injured in accidents at work involving scaffolding) and surveys collected during the research project & quot;Model of the assessment of risk of the occurrence of building catastrophes, accidents and dangerous events at workplaces with the use of scaffolding& quot; (573 surveys of people working in the construction scaffolding of respondents).

DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.4.44

APA style references: Sawicki, M. & Szóstak, M. (2020). The effect of alcohol at the workplace with the use of scaffolding on individual’s occupational accident risk. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 29 (4), 504-516. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.4.44

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Sawicki & Szóstak, 2020), next citation: (Sawicki & Szóstak, 2020)

Chicago style references: Sawicki, Marek, Mariusz Szóstak. "The effect of alcohol at the workplace with the use of scaffolding on individual’s occupational accident risk." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 90 ser., vol. 29, no 4, (2020): 504-516. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.4.44.

Chicago style citation in text: (Sawicki, and Szóstak 2020)

Bibtxt style references: Bibtxt_utf8_90art11en.bib

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