Scientific Review
Engineering and Environmental Sciences
ISSN   1732-9353
eISSN  2543-7496

Editorial Office E-mail
Przegląd Naukowy Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska
Vol. 29
Issue 2(88)

Title: Heat waves and health impact on human in Baghdad


Keywords: heat wave, max air temperature, CBC analysis, Baghdad

Abstract: This investigation aim to evaluate the effect of heat wave on health of human, so to achieve this 40 blood samples for person exposed to heat wave were drawn most patients were attend to specialists in hospital laboratories (Medical City, Ibn al-Baladi, Sheikh Zayed, Kadhimiya Educational). The patients aged 10–60 years, male (20) and female (20). CBC analyzes was performed. The result of the presents study recorded a highly signifi cant difference in total (mean and percent) as compared with the normal value of the CBC analyze the result for total (mean and percent) for male the factors CRP, ESR, WBC, PCV, PL (15.5, 43, 11.35, 28.5, 215) respectively (100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%) and the result for total (mean and percent) for female the factors CRP, ESR, WBC, PCV, PL (15, 43.5, 11.35, 31, 220.5) respectively (100%, 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%). According to the result we can conclude that there was a highly significant deferent in mean value for patient compared with the normal value which is the mean cause of hard attack which lead to death. The study is the fi rst of its kind in the Department of Atmospheric Sciences in Iraq.

DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.2.18

APA style references: Hassan, Z.M., Al-Jiboori, M.H. & Al-Abassi, H.M. (2020). Heat waves and health impact on human in Baghdad. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 29 (2), 212-222. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.2.18

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Hassan, Al-Jiboori & Al-Abassi, 2020), next citation: (Hassan et al., 2020)

Chicago style references: Hassan, Zahraa M., Monim H. Al-Jiboori, Hazima M. Al-Abassi. "Heat waves and health impact on human in Baghdad." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 88 ser., vol. 29, no 2, (2020): 212-222. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.2.18.

Chicago style citation in text: (Hassan, Al-Jiboori, and Al-Abassi 2020)

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