Title: Identification of factors shaping tender prices for lightweight
Authors (ORCID): LEŚNIAK, A. (0000-0002-4811-5574), GÓRKA, M. (0000-0002-5985-2078), WIECZOREK, D. (0000-0002-3191-2438)
Keywords: price-creating factors, aluminumglass facade, ventilated facade, lightweight curtain wall
Abstract: A reliable estimation of the tender prices for lightweight curtain walls is a complex and time-consuming process for the contractor, as it depends on many factors related to both the technical parameters of the designed façade and the investor’s requirements for the solutions selected. The aim of the paper is to identify the factors affecting the costs of manufacturing lightweight curtain walls. Data regarding the complexity of curtain wall construction costs was obtained on the basis of the analysis of project documentation, cost estimates and as-built accounts for selected 50 public buildings. The authors identified the factors affecting the costs of aluminum-glass facades and ventilated facades. Their identification is the first element necessary to develop a new method of predicting the costs of implementation of such types of facade which are included in the authors’ research plans.
DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2019.28.2.16
APA style references: Leśniak, A., Górka, M. & Wieczorek, D. (2019). Identification of factors shaping tender prices for lightweight. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 28 (2), 171-182. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2019.28.2.16
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Leśniak, Górka & Wieczorek, 2019), next citation: (Leśniak et al., 2019)
Chicago style references: Leśniak, Agnieszka, Monika Górka, Damian Wieczorek. "Identification of factors shaping tender prices for lightweight." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 84 ser., vol. 28, no 2, (2019): 171-182. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2019.28.2.16.
Chicago style citation in text: (Leśniak, Górka, and Wieczorek 2019)
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