Title: Long-term changes of weather stimuli based on the example of the southern part of Warsaw – Ursynów
Keywords: thermal sensations, thermal stimuli, air temperature, change from day to day, city
Abstract: The aim of the work is to evaluate thermal sensations based on the average daily temperature of air and to determine thermal stimuli, using interdependent variability of air temperature (average, maximum and minimum). The data from the weather station Ursynów – SGGW was used for the analysis in the period 1961–2016. The analysis showed that with the highest frequency (74%) there are thermal sensations “saving” (“slightly cold”, “cool”, “warm”). In the case of thermal stimuli with the greatest frequency, changes from day to day were described as “neutral”, not exceeding 2°C . Based on the analysis of the long-term period trend of the number of days in the year, it can be stated an increase in the number of days with the thermal stress “very warm”, which is results from a positive statistically significant trend and also a decrease in number of days with thermal stimuli “sharp”.
DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2019.28.1.3
APA style references: Rozbicka, K. & Zawistowska, M. (2019). Long-term changes of weather stimuli based on the example of the southern part of Warsaw – Ursynów. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 28 (1), 25-34. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2019.28.1.3
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Rozbicka & Zawistowska, 2019), next citation: (Rozbicka & Zawistowska, 2019)
Chicago style references: Rozbicka, Katarzyna, Martyna Zawistowska. "Long-term changes of weather stimuli based on the example of the southern part of Warsaw – Ursynów." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 83 ser., vol. 28, no 1, (2019): 25-34. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2019.28.1.3.
Chicago style citation in text: (Rozbicka, and Zawistowska 2019)
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