Scientific Review
Engineering and Environmental Sciences
ISSN   1732-9353
eISSN  2543-7496

Editorial Office E-mail
Przegląd Naukowy Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska
Vol. 27
Issue 3(81)

Title: Proposal of assessment of acoustic comfort - one of basic subcategories of the social aspect of sustainable housing construction


Keywords: assessment, sustainable construction, social aspect, health and comfort, acoustic comfort, used buildings

Abstract: The article presents a proposal to assess acoustic comfort as one of the sub-categories characterizing the social aspect of sustainable construction. The authors, considering the actual values of acoustic indicators existing in residential buildings being in operation phase, proposed their own classification scale. At the same time, the authors refer to the guidelines contained in regulations, standards, publications, and their own in situ research and, in particular, to normative values in the newly published standard (PN-B 02151-5, 2017).

DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2018.27.3.36

APA style references: Radziejowska, A. & Rubacha, J. (2018). Proposal of assessment of acoustic comfort - one of basic subcategories of the social aspect of sustainable housing construction. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 27 (3), 367-376. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2018.27.3.36

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Radziejowska & Rubacha, 2018), next citation: (Radziejowska & Rubacha, 2018)

Chicago style references: Radziejowska, Aleksandra, Jarosław Rubacha. "Proposal of assessment of acoustic comfort - one of basic subcategories of the social aspect of sustainable housing construction." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 81 ser., vol. 27, no 3, (2018): 367-376. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2018.27.3.36.

Chicago style citation in text: (Radziejowska, and Rubacha 2018)

Bibtxt style references: Bibtxt_utf8_81art13en.bib

More citations in MLA, Harvard, RIS e.t.c styles in CrossRef database: Actions/Cite

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