Title: Elastostatic problems in multicomponent, multilayered periodic composites


Keywords: elastostatics, multicomponent composite, tolerance modelling, oscillating micro-shape function

Abstract: The object of the analysis is a two-dimensional elastostatic problem for multicomponent, multilayered periodic composites. The equations of equilibrium for this composite are obtained within the framework of tolerance modelling procedure. The paper presents two examples of solutions of boundary value problems.

DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2018.27.1.2

APA style references: Wągrowska, M., Szlachetka, O. & Bagdasaryan, V. (2018). Elastostatic problems in multicomponent, multilayered periodic composites. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 27 (1), 9-18. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2018.27.1.2

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Wągrowska, Szlachetka & Bagdasaryan, 2018), next citation: (Wągrowska et al., 2018)

Chicago style references: Wągrowska, Monika, Olga Szlachetka, Vazgen Bagdasaryan. "Elastostatic problems in multicomponent, multilayered periodic composites." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 79 ser., vol. 27, no 1, (2018): 9-18. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2018.27.1.2.

Chicago style citation in text: (Wągrowska, Szlachetka, and Bagdasaryan 2018)

Bibtxt style references: Bibtxt_utf8_79art2en.bib

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