Title: Comparative analysis of selected methods used to calculate water installations


Keywords: design flow-rate, pressure losses, multi-family buildings

Abstract: The article compares the methodology for the calculation of water installations according to PN-/B-01706:1992 and PN-EN 806-3:2006. For typically equipped flat we obtain the design flow by about 16% higher using the European standard. In addition, design flow-rate calculation for multifamily buildings was compared with formulas administered in the literature and the results of own research. Measured flows are average two to three times lower than the value determined by computing standards. They are comparable or slightly higher than those determined according to the models reported in the literature.

DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.3.36

APA style references: Wichowski, P., Rutkowska, G. & Sawiak, P. (2017). Comparative analysis of selected methods used to calculate water installations. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 26 (3), 373-382. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.3.36

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Wichowski, Rutkowska & Sawiak, 2017), next citation: (Wichowski et al., 2017)

Chicago style references: Wichowski, Piotr, Gabriela Rutkowska, Przemysław Sawiak. "Comparative analysis of selected methods used to calculate water installations." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 77 ser., vol. 26, no 3, (2017): 373-382. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.3.36.

Chicago style citation in text: (Wichowski, Rutkowska, and Sawiak 2017)

Bibtxt style references: @article{doi:10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.3.36, author={Wichowski, Piotr and Rutkowska, Gabriela and Sawiak, Przemysław}, language={polish}, title={Comparative analysis of selected methods used to calculate water installations}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN77/A9/art9.pdf}, year={2017}, volume={26 (3)}, number={77}, pages={373-382}}

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