Title: Impact of technology system of wastewater treatment on characteristic of activated sludge


Keywords: biological wastewater treatment, activated sludge, sludge volume index, respiratory activity of activated sludge

Abstract: Biological methods are used for treatment of municipal wastewater. These processes can be conducted in various kinds of technological systems. In the paper the comparison of characteristic of activated sludge from two types of technological systems is shown. A flow bioreactor with secondary settling tank (system I) and sequential bioreactor (system II) were used. The study showed, that more favorable operating conditions of activated sludge were in the SBR reactor. The activated sludge in SBR reactor had better sedimentary properties, as indicated by values of sludge volume index and flocs’ sizes. This can be connected with the fact that sludge in SRB reactor is not pumped (what occurs in flow systems). Therefore the sludge is not subjected to unfavorable conditions during hydraulic transport (flocs do not undergo the dispersion). Moreover the values of flocs’ sizes, respiratory activity and specific surface area of sludge from II system were higher in comparison with system I.

DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.3.37

APA style references: Płonka, I. & Pieczykolan, B. (2017). Impact of technology system of wastewater treatment on characteristic of activated sludge. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 26 (3), 383-393. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.3.37

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Płonka & Pieczykolan, 2017), next citation: (Płonka & Pieczykolan, 2017)

Chicago style references: Płonka, Izabela , Barbara Pieczykolan. "Impact of technology system of wastewater treatment on characteristic of activated sludge." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 77 ser., vol. 26, no 3, (2017): 383-393. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.3.37.

Chicago style citation in text: (Płonka, and Pieczykolan 2017)

Bibtxt style references: @article{doi:10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.3.37, author={Płonka, Izabela and Pieczykolan, Barbara}, language={polish}, title={Impact of technology system of wastewater treatment on characteristic of activated sludge}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN77/A10/art10.pdf}, year={2017}, volume={26 (3)}, number={77}, pages={383-393}}

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