Title: The prototype manipulator ja-wa for automatic construction of walls


Keywords: manipulators, automation, building, control systems

Abstract: In the context of automatic construction of buildings analyzed prototype, ja-wa system, which integrates aspects of computer controlling the manipulator of the testing of allowable construction progress (according to the results of the analysis rise the endurance of the young concrete, laid in layers made earlier). Imposing of concrete mix (controlled intervals) with finish a surface septum is performed by a computer-controlled manipulator-machine, which moves the track system ferry. Indicated rationality and low capital intensity of solutions.

DOI: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.2.27

APA style references: Więckowski, A. (2017). The prototype manipulator ja-wa for automatic construction of walls. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 26 (2), 276-284. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.2.27

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Więckowski, 2017), next citation: (Więckowski, 2017)

Chicago style references: Więckowski, Andrzej . "The prototype manipulator ja-wa for automatic construction of walls." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 76 ser., vol. 26, no 2, (2017): 276-284. doi: 10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.2.27.

Chicago style citation in text: (Więckowski 2017)

Bibtxt style references: @article{doi:10.22630/PNIKS.2017.26.2.27, author={Więckowski, Andrzej }, language={polish}, title={The prototype manipulator ja-wa for automatic construction of walls}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN76/A15/art15.pdf}, year={2017}, volume={26 (2)}, number={76}, pages={276-284}}

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