Title: Assessment of pollutants emitted during operation of the heating system of detached house with analysis of heavy metals content in surrounding soils

Authors: MIZERNA, K., GUŻDA, A.

Keywords: ecological analysis, pollutant emission, heavy metals, soils, furnace ash

Abstract: The paper presents the results of ecological analysis for detached house with assessment of heavy metals content in agricultural soils located within 43÷130 m from the analyzed house. Additionally, the study of heavy metals content in the furnace ash coming from the combustion of mixture of fuel: coal and wood used for heating of this house was carried out. Ecological analysis revealed the emission of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide and dust into the atmosphere as a result of combustion of fuel as well as electricity consumption. Whereas the tested soils are characterize by the deficiency of heavy metals. Analysis of the content of these elements in the furnace ash revealed that the waste does not pose a potential risk to the environment and can be used for agricultural purposes.

APA style references: Mizerna, K. & Gużda, A. (2016). Assessment of pollutants emitted during operation of the heating system of detached house with analysis of heavy metals content in surrounding soils. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 25 (4), 463-471.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Mizerna & Gużda, 2016), next citation: (Mizerna & Gużda, 2016)

Chicago style references: Mizerna, Kamila, Arkadiusz Gużda. "Assessment of pollutants emitted during operation of the heating system of detached house with analysis of heavy metals content in surrounding soils." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 74 ser., vol. 25, no 4, (2016): 463-471.

Chicago style citation in text: (Mizerna, and Gużda 2016)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Mizerna_Gużda_2016_PNIKS, author={Mizerna, Kamila and Gużda, Arkadiusz}, language={polish}, title={Assessment of pollutants emitted during operation of the heating system of detached house with analysis of heavy metals content in surrounding soils}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN74/A8/art8.pdf}, year={2016}, volume={25 (4)}, number={74}, pages={463-471}}

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