Title: Influence of extracellular polymeric substances on aerobic granulation
Authors: KOŃCZAK, B., MIKSCH, K.
Keywords: extracellular polymeric substances, aerobic granulation, aerobic granules
Abstract: In this study the influence of extracellular polymeric substances on biogranulation process was investigated. Aerobic biogranules were emerged from floc sludge on day 7 of operation. The average diameter of biogranules increase due to EPS production. It has been found that the predominat component of EPS are proteins. Compared to loosely bound EPS (LB-EPS), tighly bound EPS (TB-EPS) showed more significant role in granules formation. It has been shown that polysaccharides are an important structural component of granules.
APA style references: Kończak, B. & Miksch, K. (2016). Influence of extracellular polymeric substances on aerobic granulation. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 25 (4), 425-432.
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Kończak & Miksch, 2016), next citation: (Kończak & Miksch, 2016)
Chicago style references: Kończak, Beata, Korneliusz Miksch. "Influence of extracellular polymeric substances on aerobic granulation." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 74 ser., vol. 25, no 4, (2016): 425-432.
Chicago style citation in text: (Kończak, and Miksch 2016)
Bibtxt style references: @article{Kończak_Miksch_2016_PNIKS, author={Kończak, Beata and Miksch, Korneliusz}, language={polish}, title={Influence of extracellular polymeric substances on aerobic granulation}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN74/A4/art4.pdf}, year={2016}, volume={25 (4)}, number={74}, pages={425-432}}
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