Title: Geological and engineering conditions in river valleys as exemplified by the Warta flood terrace at Uniejów
Authors: ROMAN, G., ROMAN, M., ROMAN, M.G.
Keywords: Warta river valley, geoengineering layers, geological and engineering conditions
Abstract: A case study concerning ground conditions within river valley bottom has been presented on the example of Uniejów. Drilling, dynamic probing and laboratory work data allow to distinguish over a dozen geotechnical layers within natural ground and two man-made ground types. The complexity of geological and engineering conditions within the valley has been proved resulting from lithological variability of the Holocene alluvia, occurrence of made grounds and also high amplitudes of surface and groundwater levels. Water levels variations in the Warta river, including flood waters, have been taken into account as infl uencing changes of the subsoil geological and engineering conditions. Result obtained have been synthesised to describe conditions for placement building structures on flood terraces.
APA style references: Roman, G., Roman, M. & Roman, M.G. (2016). Geological and engineering conditions in river valleys as exemplified by the Warta flood terrace at Uniejów. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 25 (3), 366-378.
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Roman, Roman & Roman, 2016), next citation: (Roman et al., 2016)
Chicago style references: Roman, Grzegorz, Małgorzata Roman, Michał G. Roman. "Geological and engineering conditions in river valleys as exemplified by the Warta flood terrace at Uniejów." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 73 ser., vol. 25, no 3, (2016): 366-378.
Chicago style citation in text: (Roman, Roman, and Roman 2016)
Bibtxt style references: @article{Roman_Roman_Roman_2016_PNIKS, author={Roman, Grzegorz and Roman, Małgorzata and Roman, Michał G.}, language={polish}, title={Geological and engineering conditions in river valleys as exemplified by the Warta flood terrace at Uniejów.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN73/A11/art11.pdf}, year={2016}, volume={25 (3)}, number={73}, pages={366-378}}
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