Title: Statistical examination of the aerosols loading over Kano-Nigeria: the Satellite observation analysis
Keywords: aerosols retention, aerosols loading, statistical tool, analytical dispersion model
Abstract: The problem of underestimating or overestimating the aerosols loading over Kano is readily becoming a global challenge. Recent health outcomes from an extensive effect of aerosols pollution has started manifesting in Kano. The aim of the research is to estimate the aerosols loading and retention over Kano. Thirteen years aerosol optical depth (AOD) data was obtained from the Multi-angle imaging spectroradiometer (MISR). Statistical tools, as well as analytically derived model for aerosols loading were used to obtain the aerosols retention and loading over the area. It was discovered that the average aerosols retention over Kano is 4.9%. The atmospheric constants over Kano were documented. Due to the volume of aerosols over Kano, it is necessary to change the ITU model which relates to signal budgeting.
APA style references: Emetere, M.E., Akinyemi, M.L. & Oladimeji, T.E. (2016). Statistical examination of the aerosols loading over Kano-Nigeria: the Satellite observation analysis. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 25 (2), 167-176.
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Emetere, Akinyemi & Oladimeji, 2016), next citation: (Emetere et al., 2016)
Chicago style references: Emetere, Moses E., Marvel L. Akinyemi, Temitayo E. Oladimeji. "Statistical examination of the aerosols loading over Kano-Nigeria: the Satellite observation analysis." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 72 ser., vol. 25, no 2, (2016): 167-176.
Chicago style citation in text: (Emetere, Akinyemi, and Oladimeji 2016)
Bibtxt style references: @article{Emetere_Akinyemi_Oladimeji_2016_PNIKS, author={Emetere, Moses E. and Akinyemi, Marvel L. and Oladimeji, Temitayo E.}, language={english}, title={Statistical examination of the aerosols loading over Kano-Nigeria: the Satellite observation analysis.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN72/A6/art6.pdf}, year={2016}, volume={25 (2)}, number={72}, pages={167-176}}
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