Title: Hydromorphological assessment of urban river valleys of the Kłodnica catchment


Keywords: hydromorphological assessment, Kłodnica, urban areas, URS method

Abstract: This paper finds most important impacts for river valley ecosystem. Survey based on hydromorphological assessment for parts of river valley located in urbanized and industrialized part of Kłodnica catchment. The research was carried by British method destined for urban areas – Urban River Survey. As a result of the tests factors determining the value of assessing hydromorphological conditions and conditions affecting the catchments river valley were indicated. The effect of the analysis are recommendations for the protection of ecological values and landscape of riverside urban spaces.

APA style references: Hamerla, A. & Pierzchała, Ł. (2016). Hydromorphological assessment of urban river valleys of the Kłodnica catchment. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 25 (1), 83-99.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Hamerla & Pierzchała, 2016), next citation: (Hamerla & Pierzchała, 2016)

Chicago style references: Hamerla, Adam, Łukasz Pierzchała. "Hydromorphological assessment of urban river valleys of the Kłodnica catchment." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 71 ser., vol. 25, no 1, (2016): 83-99.

Chicago style citation in text: (Hamerla, and Pierzchała 2016)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Hamerla_Pierzchała_2016_PNIKS, author={Hamerla, Adam and Pierzchała, Łukasz}, language={polish}, title={Hydromorphological assessment of urban river valleys of the Kłodnica catchment.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks.pn.sggw.pl/PN71/A9/art9.pdf}, year={2016}, volume={25 (1)}, number={71}, pages={83-99}}

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