Title: Analysis of the geological conditions of habitats diversity formation in the river valleys of Polish Lowland area

Authors: FALKOWSKI, T.

Keywords: river valley, polygenesis, geological structure, morphogenetic reaches

Abstract: River valleys in the area of Polish Lowland are characterized by a relatively high (as for lowland river valleys) morphological and geological diversity. The main reason for this fact is the polygenesis. Rivers have adopted for their valleys different postglacial depressions (melt-out, as well as zone of concentrated melt water flow, etc.), erosionally modelling sections between them. Remains of their origin are still discernible in the valleys morphology (e.g. co-existence of the basin sections with the narrow, gorge sections and the presence of non-alluvial sediment in the valley bottom). The testimony of the complicated genesis is also poor developed erosional base of river valleys. Their surface built up with deposits more resistant to erosion forms morphological protrusions in alluvia substratum. Both the system of different soils outcrops in the bottom of the valley, as well as morphology and lithology of the valley substrate affect the process of evolution valleys, which takes place from the late Pleistocene. Nowadays, these elements also determine the floodplain morphodynamics, contributing the further differentiation of their surface. They influence on creation and operation of natural habitats as well.

APA style references: Falkowski, T. (2015). Analysis of the geological conditions of habitats diversity formation in the river valleys of Polish Lowland area. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 24 (4), 342-349.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Falkowski, 2015), next citation: (Falkowski, 2015)

Chicago style references: Falkowski, Tomasz. "Analysis of the geological conditions of habitats diversity formation in the river valleys of Polish Lowland area." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 70 ser., vol. 24, no 4, (2015): 342-349.

Chicago style citation in text: (Falkowski 2015)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Falkowski_2015_PNIKS, author={Falkowski, Tomasz}, title={Analysis of the geological conditions of habitats diversity formation in the river valleys of Polish Lowland area.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN70/A3/art3.pdf}, year={2015}, volume={24 (4)}, number={70}, pages={342-349}}

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