Title: Variation in the activity of phosphatases and the content of phosphorus and carbon in the top layer of soil one year after a forest fire


Keywords: burnt, soil, forest, carbon, phosphorus, phosphatase

Abstract: The aim of the paper has been to evaluate the changes the activity of alkaline and acid phosphatase and the content of organic carbon (Corg) and phosphorus available to plants (PE-R) in forest soil caught by fire due to an uncontrolled spring grass burning. The fire resulted in a slight increase (14%) in the content of carbon of organic compounds, as compared with the control (the place not covered by fire) as well as 84% increase in the content of available phosphorus. Based on the results of the activity of phosphomonoesterases, there was calculated the index of inhibition (IN) of those enzymes. It was found that in the soil sampled from the area a year after the fire there was a high inactivation of alkaline (–54.4%) and acid phosphatase (–41.5%). There were received significant positive coefficients of the line between the content of carbon of organic compounds and available phosphorus (r = 0.403, p < 0.05). There was found a significant positive dependence between the activity of alkaline in burnt soil and the content of organic carbon (r = 0.691, p < 0.05) and negative coefficients between the of acid phosphatase and available phosphorus (r = –0.877, p < 0.05).

APA style references: Lemanowicz, J. & Bartkowiak, A. (2015). Variation in the activity of phosphatases and the content of phosphorus and carbon in the top layer of soil one year after a forest fire. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 24 (2), 145-154.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Lemanowicz & Bartkowiak, 2015), next citation: (Lemanowicz & Bartkowiak, 2015)

Chicago style references: Lemanowicz, Joanna, Agata Bartkowiak. "Variation in the activity of phosphatases and the content of phosphorus and carbon in the top layer of soil one year after a forest fire." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 68 ser., vol. 24, no 2, (2015): 145-154.

Chicago style citation in text: (Lemanowicz, and Bartkowiak 2015)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Lemanowicz_Bartkowiak_2015_PNIKS, author={Lemanowicz, Joanna and Bartkowiak, Agata}, title={Variation in the activity of phosphatases and the content of phosphorus and carbon in the top layer of soil one year after a forest fire.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN68/A4/art4.pdf}, year={2015}, volume={24 (2)}, number={68}, pages={145-154}}

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