Title: The diversity of wind speed and directions in Toruń (central Poland) in 2012


Keywords: wind speed, wind direction, urban climate, Toruń

Abstract: Wind is a particularly significant meteorological element from the point of view of the residents of cities, as it affects, for example, the subjective temperature, the extent of the Urban Heat Island or the concentration of atmospheric pollution. On the basis of observations carried out in Toruń in 2012, great deformations of wind directions and reduction of its speed were found as compared to suburban areas. The lowest values of annual mean speed were recorded in forest areas (0.2 m·s–1 ) and in parks (0.6 m·s–1 ). The highest winds, on the other hand, occurred in the area of multi-apartment buildings (1.1 m·s–1 ). Modifications of wind directions were also analysed and were found to occur to the greatest extent in forest areas, and in areas of diversified land development, the least.

APA style references: Strzyżewski, T., Uscka-Kowalkowska, J., Przybylak, R., Kejna, M., Araźny, A. & Maszewski, R. (2015). The diversity of wind speed and directions in Toruń (central Poland) in 2012. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 24 (1), 79-89.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Strzyżewski et al., 2015), next citation: (Strzyżewski et al., 2015)

Chicago style references: Strzyżewski, Tomasz, Joanna Uscka-Kowalkowska, Rajmund Przybylak, Marek Kejna, Andrzej Araźny, Rafał Maszewski. "The diversity of wind speed and directions in Toruń (central Poland) in 2012." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 67 ser., vol. 24, no 1, (2015): 79-89.

Chicago style citation in text: (Strzyżewski et al. 2015)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Strzyżewski_Uscka-Kowalkowska_Przybylak_Kejna_Araźny_Maszewski_2015_PNIKS, author={Strzyżewski, Tomasz and Uscka-Kowalkowska, Joanna and Przybylak, Rajmund and Kejna, Marek and Araźny, Andrzej and Maszewski, Rafał}, title={The diversity of wind speed and directions in Toruń (central Poland) in 2012.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN67/A7/art7.pdf}, year={2015}, volume={24 (1)}, number={67}, pages={79-89}}

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