Title: The use of satellite remote sensing to monitor the growth and development of the winter oilseed rape

Authors: BARTOSZEK, K.

Keywords: winter oilseed rape, vegetation indices, satellite remote sensing, MODIS

Abstract: This paper presents an assessment of the applicability of satellite remote sensing data to monitor the growth and development of winter oilseed rape in the Lublin region. The study used five vegetation indices (NDVI, EVI, LAI, fPAR and GPP), whose values were derived from Terra environmental satellite and related to the period between 2000 and 2012. Values of the oilseed rape height before winter and the onset of flowering stage based on fi eld observations from the Experimental Stations for Cultivar Testing (COBORU) in Bezek and Cicibór Duży. The results showed the possibility of using satellite data to predict with a fairly high degree of accuracy both analyzed characteristics of winter oilseed rape. Moreover, based on vegetation indices it has been confirmed that the growth and development of the winter oilseed rape are highly dependent on the course of weather conditions.

APA style references: Bartoszek, K. (2014). The use of satellite remote sensing to monitor the growth and development of the winter oilseed rape. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 23 (2), 150-160.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Bartoszek, 2014), next citation: (Bartoszek, 2014)

Chicago style references: Bartoszek, Krzysztof. "The use of satellite remote sensing to monitor the growth and development of the winter oilseed rape." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 64 ser., vol. 23, no 2, (2014): 150-160.

Chicago style citation in text: (Bartoszek 2014)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Bartoszek_2014_PNIKS, author={Bartoszek, Krzysztof}, title={The use of satellite remote sensing to monitor the growth and development of the winter oilseed rape.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN64/A5/art5.pdf}, year={2014}, volume={23 (2)}, number={64}, pages={150-160}}

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