Title: Limit state of hydraulic failure HYD in earth dams according to Eurocode 7


Keywords: Eurocode 7, hydraulic failure, failure by heave (HYD)

Abstract: This paper presents rules for verification of limit state HYD – hydraulic failure in accordance with the recommendations of Eurocode 7 and examples of design calculations. To determine the seepage forces the seven patterns of water flow through the dams were used. The seepage grids were plotted using AutoCAD. Moreover, in checking the limit state HYD the method proposed by Terzaghi and Peck (1961) was applied. The calculations presented in this paper showed different results. Therefore, the scope of proposed formulas for checking the limit state HYD should be specified in the national appendix.

APA style references: Sieczka, A. & Garbulewski, K. (2014). Limit state of hydraulic failure HYD in earth dams according to Eurocode 7. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 23 (1), 87-98.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Sieczka & Garbulewski, 2014), next citation: (Sieczka & Garbulewski, 2014)

Chicago style references: Sieczka, Anna, Kazimierz Garbulewski. "Limit state of hydraulic failure HYD in earth dams according to Eurocode 7." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 63 ser., vol. 23, no 1, (2014): 87-98.

Chicago style citation in text: (Sieczka, and Garbulewski 2014)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Sieczka_Garbulewski_2014_PNIKS, author={Sieczka, Anna and Garbulewski, Kazimierz}, title={Limit state of hydraulic failure HYD in earth dams according to Eurocode 7.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN63/A8/art8.pdf}, year={2014}, volume={23 (1)}, number={63}, pages={87-98}}

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