Title: Interpretation of CPTU dissipation test results to determine soil hydraulic properties

Authors: ZAWADZKI, Ł., LECH, M.

Keywords: hydraulic conductivity, permeability, coefficient of consolidation, CPTU, field testing

Abstract: The article presents a methods for determining soil hydraulic parameters based on field measurements of the CPTU probe. The interpretation approach by various authors for the analysis of both monotonic dissipation curve and dilatory dissipation curve have been shown and compared. The paper presents also the example test results of water flow parameters carried out in the SGGW campus in Warsaw with their interpretation and comparison of results obtained by using different computational approaches. Furthermore, a comparison of several computational approaches showing the differences in the results obtained according to the variation of the parameters used for calculations is shown.

APA style references: Zawadzki, Ł. & Lech, M. (2013). Interpretation of CPTU dissipation test results to determine soil hydraulic properties. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 22 (4), 435-443.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Zawadzki & Lech, 2013), next citation: (Zawadzki & Lech, 2013)

Chicago style references: Zawadzki, Łukasz, Mariusz Lech. "Interpretation of CPTU dissipation test results to determine soil hydraulic properties." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 62 ser., vol. 22, no 4, (2013): 435-443.

Chicago style citation in text: (Zawadzki, and Lech 2013)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Zawadzki_Lech_2013_PNIKS, author={Zawadzki, Łukasz and Lech, Mariusz}, title={Interpretation of CPTU dissipation test results to determine soil hydraulic properties.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN62/A8/art8.pdf}, year={2013}, volume={22 (4)}, number={62}, pages={435-443}}

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