Title: Verification of a rating curve in a gauge cross-section on the Uszwica River


Keywords: water gauge, rating curve, base flow

Abstract: Low flow controlling is particularly important in the case of heavy water uptake from a watercourse. The aim of this research was to verify a rating curve in a gauge cross-section located on the Uszwica River, below the weir damming water for the nearby brewery. The paper presents the results of land surveying and hydrometric measurements conducted in autumn in the period 2009–2011, which were compared with the results from the period 2006–2008. The land surveying measurements showed lack of the crosssectional stability. Changes in the cross-section, local bottom slope and changes in the gauge zero position altered the equation of the rating curve. The effect of morphological changes of the riverbed on the recording of inviolable flow was determined and new rating curves were developed. It was therefore demonstrated that the rating curve should be regularly updated for each gauge post.

APA style references: Michalec, B., Tarnawski, M., Majerczyk, A. & Wachulec, K. (2013). Verification of a rating curve in a gauge cross-section on the Uszwica River. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 22 (4), 454-462.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Michalec, Tarnawski, Majerczyk & Wachulec, 2013), next citation: (Michalec et al., 2013)

Chicago style references: Michalec, Bogusław, Marek Tarnawski, Agata Majerczyk, Katarzyna Wachulec. "Verification of a rating curve in a gauge cross-section on the Uszwica River." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 62 ser., vol. 22, no 4, (2013): 454-462.

Chicago style citation in text: (Michalec et al. 2013)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Michalec_Tarnawski_Majerczyk_Wachulec_2013_PNIKS, author={Michalec, Bogusław and Tarnawski, Marek and Majerczyk, Agata and Wachulec, Katarzyna}, title={Verification of a rating curve in a gauge cross-section on the Uszwica River.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN62/A10/art10.pdf}, year={2013}, volume={22 (4)}, number={62}, pages={454-462}}

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