Title: Influence of ground saturation degree on penetration tests results
Keywords: Eurocode 7, field testing, CPTU, unsaturated soils
Abstract: Considering previously published in situ test results e.g. CPTU it can be stated that saturation degree affects the penetration test results. In soil profile tested using CPTU the effective zone should be distinguished in the interpretation of test results. According to the CPTU test results conducted at the Stegny site the depth of the active zone is about 4 meters. Changes of the measured penetration parameters in active zone due to the influence of atmospheric factors should be taken into account in geotechnical parameters estimation.
APA style references: Zawadzki, Ł., Lech, M. & Garbulewski, K. (2013). Influence of ground saturation degree on penetration tests results. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 22 (2), 107-116.
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Zawadzki, Lech & Garbulewski, 2013), next citation: (Zawadzki et al., 2013)
Chicago style references: Zawadzki, Łukasz, Mariusz Lech, Kazimierz Garbulewski. "Influence of ground saturation degree on penetration tests results." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 60 ser., vol. 22, no 2, (2013): 107-116.
Chicago style citation in text: (Zawadzki, Lech, and Garbulewski 2013)
Bibtxt style references: @article{Zawadzki_Lech_Garbulewski_2013_PNIKS, author={Zawadzki, Łukasz and Lech, Mariusz and Garbulewski, Kazimierz}, title={Influence of ground saturation degree on penetration tests results.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN60/A1/art1.pdf}, year={2013}, volume={22 (2)}, number={60}, pages={107-116}}
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