Title: Pollutant transport in vicinity of old landfill with vertical barrier


Keywords: landfill, pollutant transport, water monitoring, flow modeling

Abstract: The paper presents and defines the processes of pollutant transport in subsoil. The landfill’s vertical barrier and assumption of numerical model of groundwater flow and pollutant transport are also discussed, based on example of the old sanitary landfill Łubna localized near Warsaw. The water monitoring results of landfill areas, which includes water chemical analyses from the period before and after the vertical barrier was built, is also analyzed in this paper.

APA style references: Wychowaniak, D. (2013). Pollutant transport in vicinity of old landfill with vertical barrier. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 22 (1), 45-55.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Wychowaniak, 2013), next citation: (Wychowaniak, 2013)

Chicago style references: Wychowaniak, Dorota. "Pollutant transport in vicinity of old landfill with vertical barrier." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 59 ser., vol. 22, no 1, (2013): 45-55.

Chicago style citation in text: (Wychowaniak 2013)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Wychowaniak_2013_PNIKS, author={Wychowaniak, Dorota}, title={Pollutant transport in vicinity of old landfill with vertical barrier.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN59/A5/art5.pdf}, year={2013}, volume={22 (1)}, number={59}, pages={45-55}}

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