Title: On some model of vibrations of periodically multicomponent bodies

Authors: CHALECKI, M.

Keywords: periodically non-homogeneous bodies, free vibrations, shape functions

Abstract: The paper presents a certain method of deriving of motion equations of 3-dimensional periodically multicomponent bodies as well as the application of those equations to calculate natural frequencies of a periodically non-homogeneous bar. A way of a construction of shape functions is also shown. Those functions are presented in two forms: as a combination of trigonometric functions as well as a combination of polynomials. Both of those ways give very similar dependence between the effective stiffness modulus and the structure of the periodic cell; this dependence is similar to those presented in the literature.

APA style references: Chalecki, M. (2013). On some model of vibrations of periodically multicomponent bodies. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 22 (1), 14-26.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Chalecki, 2013), next citation: (Chalecki, 2013)

Chicago style references: Chalecki, Marek. "On some model of vibrations of periodically multicomponent bodies." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 59 ser., vol. 22, no 1, (2013): 14-26.

Chicago style citation in text: (Chalecki 2013)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Chalecki_2013_PNIKS, author={Chalecki, Marek}, title={On some model of vibrations of periodically multicomponent bodies.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN59/A2/art2.pdf}, year={2013}, volume={22 (1)}, number={59}, pages={14-26}}

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