Title: Treatment of wastewater delivered to sequencing reactors SBR

Authors: SIWIEC, T.

Keywords: wastewater treatment, SBR reactors, wastewater delivered

Abstract: Often the construction of sewage networks lingers in time and the wastewater treatment plants have to treat only the delivered wastewater or mixture of delivered and in flowing from small part of network. Concentration of pollutions in this wastewater is very high. In such case the maintenance and particular process controlling are difficult because wastewater from individual cottages differ significantly. This paper presents the results of plant operation in Niepruszewo. This plant has treated only delivered wastewater for three years. The results of the analysis show that the correct design of all components and good operation can produce high performance effluent. Especially important is designing of pumping station, reactors, aeration and mixing systems. Also service and maintenance are very important particular changing of mixing time and aeration time. They have fundamental influence on pollutions concentration in treated wastewater.

APA style references: Siwiec, T. (2012). Treatment of wastewater delivered to sequencing reactors SBR. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 21 (4), 316-328.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Siwiec, 2012), next citation: (Siwiec, 2012)

Chicago style references: Siwiec, Tadeusz. "Treatment of wastewater delivered to sequencing reactors SBR." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 58 ser., vol. 21, no 4, (2012): 316-328.

Chicago style citation in text: (Siwiec 2012)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Siwiec_2012_PNIKS, author={Siwiec, Tadeusz}, title={Treatment of wastewater delivered to sequencing reactors SBR.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN58/A9/art9.pdf}, year={2012}, volume={21 (4)}, number={58}, pages={316-328}}

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