Title: Permeability coefficient of recycled concrete aggregate as an anthropogenic soil tested in laboratory by constant head method


Keywords: coefficient of permeability, anthropogenic soil, recycled concrete aggregate

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to prove that anthropogenic material is useful to construct earth structures under influence of water table. The obtained results give a view through coefficient of permeability of granular material based on recycled concrete aggregate. Present work shows the concepts of permeability coefficient versus hydraulic gradient. It also outlines the methodology of conducted tests and their outcomes. The thesis ends with interpretation of obtained results and expression of reached conclusions.

APA style references: Sas, W. & Maciorowska, E. (2012). Permeability coefficient of recycled concrete aggregate as an anthropogenic soil tested in laboratory by constant head method. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 21 (4), 284-294.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Sas & Maciorowska, 2012), next citation: (Sas & Maciorowska, 2012)

Chicago style references: Sas, Wojciech, Ewa Maciorowska. "Permeability coefficient of recycled concrete aggregate as an anthropogenic soil tested in laboratory by constant head method." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 58 ser., vol. 21, no 4, (2012): 284-294.

Chicago style citation in text: (Sas, and Maciorowska 2012)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Sas_Maciorowska_2012_PNIKS, author={Sas, Wojciech and Maciorowska, Ewa}, title={Permeability coefficient of recycled concrete aggregate as an anthropogenic soil tested in laboratory by constant head method.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN58/A6/art6.pdf}, year={2012}, volume={21 (4)}, number={58}, pages={284-294}}

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