Title: Artificial neural network applications review for cost management in construction projects
Keywords: artificial neural networks, costs management, construction project
Abstract: The paper presents selected sample applications of artificial neural networks in the scope of widely defined cost management of construction projects. It presents a synthesis of a number of foreign publications, as well as achievements of Polish authors on the applications of artificial neural networks in cost management of construction projects. The review of the proposed methods using artificial neural networks included presentation of the objectives of their applications, the proposed types of artificial neural networks and their learning methods, whilst in the case of home studies, the results of research were also presented. The results of research confirm that the models using artificial neural networks usually allow for quick and sufficiently reliable (and even more accurate than traditional methods) cost estimations. These models are therefore the proposals of tools, which are effective and possible to use in practice. It should be noted that one of the conditions of success in the application of artificial neural networks in relation to problems in cost management of construction projects is to collect a sufficient number and reliable learning data sets.
APA style references: Juszczyk, M. & Leśniak, A. (2012). Artificial neural network applications review for cost management in construction projects. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 21 (1), 55-64.
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Juszczyk & Leśniak, 2012), next citation: (Juszczyk & Leśniak, 2012)
Chicago style references: Juszczyk, Michał, Agnieszka Leśniak. "Artificial neural network applications review for cost management in construction projects." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 55 ser., vol. 21, no 1, (2012): 55-64.
Chicago style citation in text: (Juszczyk, and Leśniak 2012)
Bibtxt style references: @article{Juszczyk_Leśniak_2012_PNIKS, author={Juszczyk, Michał and Leśniak, Agnieszka}, title={Artificial neural network applications review for cost management in construction projects.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN55/A6/art6.pdf}, year={2012}, volume={21 (1)}, number={55}, pages={55-64}}
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