Title: Seasonal variability of nitrogen to phosphorus ratio in a upper part of Zagożdżonka River catchment

Authors: HEJDUK, L.

Keywords: phosphorus, nitrogen, agricultural catchment, Zagożdżonka River

Abstract: Paper present results of investigation carried on Zagożdżonka river. Zagożdżonka river is a left bank inflow of Vistula river and is located about 100 km south of Warsaw. The data from 10 sampling points taken during 7 sampling campaign were used for estimation of N:P ratio in river. The N:P ratio varied form 1:0,8 to 1:19,9 and the highest changeability were investigated in the sampling point below the reservoir called "Staw Górny". Most points (7 of 10) in which measurements were made indicate the nitrogen as a factor limiting the biomass growth.

APA style references: Hejduk, L. (2012). Seasonal variability of nitrogen to phosphorus ratio in a upper part of Zagożdżonka River catchment. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 21 (1), 27-37.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Hejduk, 2012), next citation: (Hejduk, 2012)

Chicago style references: Hejduk, Leszek. "Seasonal variability of nitrogen to phosphorus ratio in a upper part of Zagożdżonka River catchment." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 55 ser., vol. 21, no 1, (2012): 27-37.

Chicago style citation in text: (Hejduk 2012)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Hejduk_2012_PNIKS, author={Hejduk, Leszek}, title={Seasonal variability of nitrogen to phosphorus ratio in a upper part of Zagożdżonka River catchment.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN55/A3/art3.pdf}, year={2012}, volume={21 (1)}, number={55}, pages={27-37}}

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