Title: Verification of criteria for determining the length of bed protection in downstream of the weir

Authors: URBAŃSKI, J.

Keywords: weir, downstream, length of bed protection

Abstract: The paper presents results of laboratory tests, purpose was to verification of criteria for determining the length of bed protection in downstream of the weir. Investigations were conducted on model of weir with overflow under closure, water basins to disipate of energy and horizontal the bed protection in downstream. During the experiments measured velocity in verticals below the water basin located in the axial plane of the channel. An analysis of the results in terms of determining the minimum length of the bed protection in downstream. Measured length of the bed protection were compared with calculated on the basis criteria recommended for practical application. The measured length of bed protection was smaller than the calculated. The criteria used in practice allow longer the bed protection. This provides stability for the longer bed of channel in the downstream and influence to building safety

APA style references: Urbański, J. (2012). Verification of criteria for determining the length of bed protection in downstream of the weir. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 21 (1), 18-26.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Urbański, 2012), next citation: (Urbański, 2012)

Chicago style references: Urbański, Janusz. "Verification of criteria for determining the length of bed protection in downstream of the weir." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 55 ser., vol. 21, no 1, (2012): 18-26.

Chicago style citation in text: (Urbański 2012)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Urbański_2012_PNIKS, author={Urbański, Janusz}, title={Verification of criteria for determining the length of bed protection in downstream of the weir.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN55/A2/art2.pdf}, year={2012}, volume={21 (1)}, number={55}, pages={18-26}}

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