Title: Landscape change of the neighbourhood of the chosen oxbow lakes of the Vistula River in Warsaw under urbanization pressure


Keywords: history, landscape, oxbow lakes, urbanization, Warsaw, Vistula River

Abstract: The study presents analysis of the history of changes of the neighborhoods of three chosen oxbow lakes of the Vistula River in Warsaw: Gocławskie Lake, and Wilanowskie and Powsinkowskie lakes that form a complex. These areas are under different urbanization pressure. For these terrains was made an attempt to asses landscape usage in the first half of XVIII, XIX, XX and XXI century.

APA style references: Dobrzańska, J. (2011). Landscape change of the neighbourhood of the chosen oxbow lakes of the Vistula River in Warsaw under urbanization pressure. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 20 (4), 304-310.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Dobrzańska, 2011), next citation: (Dobrzańska, 2011)

Chicago style references: Dobrzańska, Julia. "Landscape change of the neighbourhood of the chosen oxbow lakes of the Vistula River in Warsaw under urbanization pressure." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 54 ser., vol. 20, no 4, (2011): 304-310.

Chicago style citation in text: (Dobrzańska 2011)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Dobrzańska_2011_PNIKS, author={Dobrzańska, Julia}, title={Landscape change of the neighbourhood of the chosen oxbow lakes of the Vistula River in Warsaw under urbanization pressure.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN54/A4/art4.pdf}, year={2011}, volume={20 (4)}, number={54}, pages={304-310}}

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