Title: Clay-activated carbon blend as a material to liner of landfill


Keywords: landfills, mineral liner, chemical barrier, clay-carbon blend

Abstract: Landfills are objects that can contaminate groundwater (drinking water sources) and surrounding land due to the influx of harmful leachate. Therefore, it is essential to isolate the groundwater environment from the landfill impact. This can be done through the clay liner constructed in the bottom of landfill. In order to improve the sorption capacity of clay the clay-activated carbon blend in weight proportion 8:2 is proposed. To check the properties of blend the index properties, swelling, compaction, shear strength and hydraulic conductivity tests were carried out. Moreover, the tests of specific surface area of blend were included to the investigation program. The tests results presented in this paper allow to drawn conclusion that the clay-carbon blend is suitable material for construction of the landfill liner.

APA style references: Nowakowska, M. & Garbulewski, K. (2011). Clay-activated carbon blend as a material to liner of landfill. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 20 (4), 275-284.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Nowakowska & Garbulewski, 2011), next citation: (Nowakowska & Garbulewski, 2011)

Chicago style references: Nowakowska, Magdalena, Kazimierz Garbulewski. "Clay-activated carbon blend as a material to liner of landfill." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 54 ser., vol. 20, no 4, (2011): 275-284.

Chicago style citation in text: (Nowakowska, and Garbulewski 2011)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Nowakowska_Garbulewski_2011_PNIKS, author={Nowakowska, Magdalena and Garbulewski, Kazimierz}, title={Clay-activated carbon blend as a material to liner of landfill.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN54/A1/art1.pdf}, year={2011}, volume={20 (4)}, number={54}, pages={275-284}}

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