Title: Application of heavy metals speciation in assessing suitability of municipal post-fermentation sludge for producing roll-out grass


Keywords: speciation, translocation, bioaccumulation of heavy metals in plants, municipal sludge post-fermentation, rolling grass

Abstract: The paper presents results of studies to assess the possibility of heavy metal speciation and the extent of their translocation from the sediment to the shoots postfermentation and the setting of their bioaccumulation in roots. Coefficients of bioaccumulation in the shoots of grass were at a very low level and have not exceeded for all heavy metals tested value 0,14. Significant differences occurred in the bioaccumulation of heavy metals in the roots of grasses tested, which were in the range: 0.78 ÷ 1.41. Speciation of heavy metals in sediments of post-fermentation for production of rolling lawns, determined the shares of labile forms of heavy metals that are most easily retrieved from the ground. Speciation of heavy metals developed by Stover can be a useful analytical procedure that allows the determination of the mobility of metals in the system: substrate - plant.

APA style references: Dmochowski, D., Gajkowska-Stefańska, L., Dmochowska, A. & Presnarowicz, R.K. (2011). Application of heavy metals speciation in assessing suitability of municipal post-fermentation sludge for producing roll-out grass. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 20 (3), 207-216.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Dmochowski, Gajkowska-Stefańska, Dmochowska & Presnarowicz, 2011), next citation: (Dmochowski et al., 2011)

Chicago style references: Dmochowski, Dariusz, Lidia Gajkowska-Stefańska, Anna Dmochowska, Radosław K. Presnarowicz. "Application of heavy metals speciation in assessing suitability of municipal post-fermentation sludge for producing roll-out grass." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 53 ser., vol. 20, no 3, (2011): 207-216.

Chicago style citation in text: (Dmochowski et al. 2011)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Dmochowski_Gajkowska-Stefańska_Dmochowska_Presnarowicz_2011_PNIKS, author={Dmochowski, Dariusz and Gajkowska-Stefańska, Lidia and Dmochowska, Anna and Presnarowicz, Radosław K.}, title={Application of heavy metals speciation in assessing suitability of municipal post-fermentation sludge for producing roll-out grass.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN53/A5/art5.pdf}, year={2011}, volume={20 (3)}, number={53}, pages={207-216}}

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