Title: Analysis of how building materials can affect the microenvironment of apartments


Keywords: building materiale, apartments, microenvironment

Abstract: The aim of researches was to compare chosen parameters of certain materials belonging to the same material group and fulfilling the same functions in building as well as to indicate their influence on a building microenvironment. The scope of research involved the analysis of influence of natural materials (stone and wood) and materials obtained through processing of them (ceramics, brick, concretes, materials deriving from wood) on the building microenvironment. The obtained results were at first compared to the values given in the Order of Ministry of Infrastructure. Then, all buildings were compared on account of baffle thicknesses, heat transfer coefficients and the temperatures prevailing at every layers of walls. Basing at these results, there was chosen the building with the most favorable features as well as that which differs from the standards to the largest extent.

APA style references: Rutkowska, G. & Baryłka, K. (2011). Analysis of how building materials can affect the microenvironment of apartments. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 20 (3), 174-182.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Rutkowska & Baryłka, 2011), next citation: (Rutkowska & Baryłka, 2011)

Chicago style references: Rutkowska, Gabriela, Kinga Baryłka. "Analysis of how building materials can affect the microenvironment of apartments." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 53 ser., vol. 20, no 3, (2011): 174-182.

Chicago style citation in text: (Rutkowska, and Baryłka 2011)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Rutkowska_Baryłka_2011_PNIKS, author={Rutkowska, Gabriela and Baryłka, Kinga}, title={Analysis of how building materials can affect the microenvironment of apartments.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN53/A2/art2.pdf}, year={2011}, volume={20 (3)}, number={53}, pages={174-182}}

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