Title: The assessment of water management in the Cetynia River catchment in the aspect of chosen indicators of sustainable development

Authors: BUS, A.

Keywords: lowland river, sustainable development determinants, agriculture catchement

Abstract: The paper presents the results of assessment of water management of three communes Sokołów Podlaski, Sabnie and Sterdyń which are located at the catchment of Cetynia River. The assessment was made according to rules of sustainable development. The valuation was based on following criteria: social, economical and environmental and assigned to them indicators of sustainable development.

APA style references: Bus, A. (2011). The assessment of water management in the Cetynia River catchment in the aspect of chosen indicators of sustainable development. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 20 (2), 97-107.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Bus, 2011), next citation: (Bus, 2011)

Chicago style references: Bus, Agnieszka. "The assessment of water management in the Cetynia River catchment in the aspect of chosen indicators of sustainable development." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 52 ser., vol. 20, no 2, (2011): 97-107.

Chicago style citation in text: (Bus 2011)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Bus_2011_PNIKS, author={Bus, Agnieszka}, title={The assessment of water management in the Cetynia River catchment in the aspect of chosen indicators of sustainable development.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN52/A3/art3.pdf}, year={2011}, volume={20 (2)}, number={52}, pages={97-107}}

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