Title: Influence of overconsolidation ratio on shear modulus in cohesive soils


Keywords: shear modulus, shear wave velocity, overconsolidation ratio, cohesive soils

Abstract: The determination of initial shear modulus in soils from shear wave velocity measurements needs the application of bender elements in laboratory investigations. Both shear wave velocity and initial shear modulus depends on many factors, especially mean effective stress, void ratio and stress history. Results of laboratory test performed on cohesive soils samples are presented in this paper.

APA style references: Markowska-Lech, K. (2010). Influence of overconsolidation ratio on shear modulus in cohesive soils. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 19 (4), 14-23.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Markowska-Lech, 2010), next citation: (Markowska-Lech, 2010)

Chicago style references: Markowska-Lech, Katarzyna. "Influence of overconsolidation ratio on shear modulus in cohesive soils." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 50 ser., vol. 19, no 4, (2010): 14-23.

Chicago style citation in text: (Markowska-Lech 2010)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Markowska-Lech_2010_PNIKS, author={Markowska-Lech, Katarzyna}, title={Influence of overconsolidation ratio on shear modulus in cohesive soils.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN50/A2/art2.pdf}, year={2010}, volume={19 (4)}, number={50}, pages={14-23}}

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