Title: Tendencies in variability of phosphorus and nitrogen forms in neighbour Zagożdżonka and Zwoleńka Rivers

Authors: HEJDUK, L.

Keywords: water quality, neighbour catchments, characteristic concentrations

Abstract: The paper present the results of chosen water quality indicators in two neighbour catchments: Zagożdżonka and Zwoleńka rivers. Despite of the agricultural as a main land manages, the point source pollution seems to play important rule in phosphorus and nitrogen concentration for both rivers. In case of Zagożdżonka river, the phosphorus concentration in outlet to the tributary suggest increasing of water quality, however the concentration of nitrates remains at almost the same level during years. In case of Zwoleńka river, the opposite relation has been notice for phosphorus concentration and similar tendencies in case of nitrate. The comparison of characteristic concentration for chosen sampling points indicates the relation between upper part of Zwoleńka and Zagożdżonka river.

APA style references: Hejduk, L. (2010). Tendencies in variability of phosphorus and nitrogen forms in neighbour Zagożdżonka and Zwoleńka Rivers. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 19 (3), 21-29.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Hejduk, 2010), next citation: (Hejduk, 2010)

Chicago style references: Hejduk, Leszek. "Tendencies in variability of phosphorus and nitrogen forms in neighbour Zagożdżonka and Zwoleńka Rivers." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 49 ser., vol. 19, no 3, (2010): 21-29.

Chicago style citation in text: (Hejduk 2010)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Hejduk_2010_PNIKS, author={Hejduk, Leszek}, title={Tendencies in variability of phosphorus and nitrogen forms in neighbour Zagożdżonka and Zwoleńka Rivers.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN49/A3/art3.pdf}, year={2010}, volume={19 (3)}, number={49}, pages={21-29}}

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