Title: Measurements of river bed and water profile on permeable stone falls


Keywords: erosion, gabion weir, permeable weir

Abstract: The article describes researches of deformation in overflow sections of stone weirs and erosionaccumulation phenomenon in tail water. The researches were performed on stone falls in Kamionka and Łętów on Wilga river. A huge impact on bed profile changes had a construction situated higher, in Oziemkówka. Factors which stabilized river bed in tail waters of researched falls was strengthening of river fords placed lower. Researches have shown that over lifetime increases deformation process of stone construction corps. However it’s not changing constructions functioning conditions but it impacts on overflow diversity forms. The solid inlet sill situated on sheet piling characterizes with stable conditions of flow. On filtration section water surface profile depends largely on deformation of lower stone part of the weir.

APA style references: Bajkowski, S. & Łasisz, K. (2010). Measurements of river bed and water profile on permeable stone falls. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 19 (3), 12-20.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Bajkowski & Łasisz, 2010), next citation: (Bajkowski & Łasisz, 2010)

Chicago style references: Bajkowski, Sławomir, Kacper Łasisz. "Measurements of river bed and water profile on permeable stone falls." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 49 ser., vol. 19, no 3, (2010): 12-20.

Chicago style citation in text: (Bajkowski, and Łasisz 2010)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Bajkowski_Łasisz_2010_PNIKS, author={Bajkowski, Sławomir and Łasisz, Kacper}, title={Measurements of river bed and water profile on permeable stone falls.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN49/A2/art2.pdf}, year={2010}, volume={19 (3)}, number={49}, pages={12-20}}

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