Title: Precipitation at the meteorological station in Ursynów WULS – SGGW in 1960–2009
Keywords: atmospheric precipitation, coefficient of variability, number of days with precipitation, maximum precipitation
Abstract: In this paper, monthly precipitation sums, measured at Ursynów-WULS station in the period 1960-2009 were analysed. The coefficient of the variability of yearly precipitation sums was calculated and the linear trend of yearly precipitation sums was examined. The method of Kaczorowska (1962) was applied to classify months and years in respect of precipitation quantity. A detailed analysis was performed also on daily maximum precipitation sums for years 1980-2009. The probability of maximum daily precipitation occurrence was calculated for various intervals of the precipitation and for different seasons of the year.
APA style references: Majewski, G., Przewoźniczuk, W. & Kleniewska, M. (2010). Precipitation at the meteorological station in Ursynów WULS – SGGW in 1960–2009. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 19 (2), 3-22.
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Majewski, Przewoźniczuk & Kleniewska, 2010), next citation: (Majewski et al., 2010)
Chicago style references: Majewski, Grzegorz, Wiesława Przewoźniczuk, Małgorzata Kleniewska. "Precipitation at the meteorological station in Ursynów WULS – SGGW in 1960–2009." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 48 ser., vol. 19, no 2, (2010): 3-22.
Chicago style citation in text: (Majewski, Przewoźniczuk, and Kleniewska 2010)
Bibtxt style references: @article{Majewski_Przewoźniczuk_Kleniewska_2010_PNIKS, author={Majewski, Grzegorz and Przewoźniczuk, Wiesława and Kleniewska, Małgorzata}, title={Precipitation at the meteorological station in Ursynów WULS – SGGW in 1960–2009.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN48/A1/art1.pdf}, year={2010}, volume={19 (2)}, number={48}, pages={3-22}}
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