Title: Bearing capacity and settlements analysis of cohesionless soils loaded by shallow foundation according to Eurocode 7 –  solution of 2.1 design example ETC 10

Authors: GALAS, P.

Keywords: Eurocode 7, ultimate limit states, serviceability limit states, shallow foundation, CPT sounding

Abstract: The paper presents calculations of ultimate limit states and serviceability limit states of shallow foundation based on dense sand. It refers to the set of 6 design examples provided by European Technical Committee (ETC10), which was established by the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Engineers and scientists were asked to supply their own solutions of the examples according to the rules of Eurocode 7. The paper presents the methodology and results of the first design example 2.1 ,”Pad foundation with central load on dense sand”.

APA style references: Galas, P. (2009). Bearing capacity and settlements analysis of cohesionless soils loaded by shallow foundation according to Eurocode 7 –  solution of 2.1 design example ETC 10. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 18 (4), 77-86.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Galas, 2009), next citation: (Galas, 2009)

Chicago style references: Galas, Paweł. "Bearing capacity and settlements analysis of cohesionless soils loaded by shallow foundation according to Eurocode 7 –  solution of 2.1 design example ETC 10." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 46 ser., vol. 18, no 4, (2009): 77-86.

Chicago style citation in text: (Galas 2009)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Galas_2009_PNIKS, author={Galas, Paweł}, title={Bearing capacity and settlements analysis of cohesionless soils loaded by shallow foundation according to Eurocode 7 –  solution of 2.1 design example ETC 10.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN46/A7/art7.pdf}, year={2009}, volume={18 (4)}, number={46}, pages={77-86}}

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