Title: Comparative analysis of structural-material solutions of horizontal partitions in individual housing


Keywords: horizontal partitions, structural-material solutions, individual house

Abstract: The paper presents a comparative analysis of structural-material solutions of vertical baffles in single-family housing. The subject of field investigations were modern dwelling houses localized near Kętrzyn. Basing on 9 buildings, there have been presented some constructive solutions, the materials possible to application as well as the way of construction of the baffles in an individual type of ceiling. For each ceiling construction type the overall heat transfer coefficient has been calculated.

APA style references: Rutkowska, G. & Lipiński, P. (2009). Comparative analysis of structural-material solutions of horizontal partitions in individual housing. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 18 (3), 47-55.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Rutkowska & Lipiński, 2009), next citation: (Rutkowska & Lipiński, 2009)

Chicago style references: Rutkowska, Gabriela, Przemysław Lipiński. "Comparative analysis of structural-material solutions of horizontal partitions in individual housing." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 45 ser., vol. 18, no 3, (2009): 47-55.

Chicago style citation in text: (Rutkowska, and Lipiński 2009)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Rutkowska_Lipiński_2009_PNIKS, author={Rutkowska, Gabriela and Lipiński, Przemysław}, title={Comparative analysis of structural-material solutions of horizontal partitions in individual housing.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN45/A5/art5.pdf}, year={2009}, volume={18 (3)}, number={45}, pages={47-55}}

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