Title: Influence of flow conditions in weir model on depth of local scour

Authors: URBAŃSKI, J.

Keywords: physical modeling, water structure, local scour

Abstract: Paper presented results of investigation of formation local scour on the model of weir. Investigations were conducted on model with overflow under closure, bottom of water basins, horizontal bed protection in down stream and washing-out area. As eroded material on model sorted sand was used with d50 = 1.1 mm. Purpose of investigation were recognition variability dimension of scour during of discharge for different flow condition. Investigations showed influence depth of downstream on depth of scour, influence velocity of stream on eroded process.

APA style references: Urbański, J. (2009). Influence of flow conditions in weir model on depth of local scour. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 18 (2), 21-29.

APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Urbański, 2009), next citation: (Urbański, 2009)

Chicago style references: Urbański, Janusz. "Influence of flow conditions in weir model on depth of local scour." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 44 ser., vol. 18, no 2, (2009): 21-29.

Chicago style citation in text: (Urbański 2009)

Bibtxt style references: @article{Urbański_2009_PNIKS, author={Urbański, Janusz}, title={Influence of flow conditions in weir model on depth of local scour.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN44/A3/art3.pdf}, year={2009}, volume={18 (2)}, number={44}, pages={21-29}}

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