Title: Drainage of the structure founded on cohesive soils in Vistula escarpment zone
Keywords: escarpment, excessive rise in ground water level, drainage, geotechnical parameters, drainage filters
Abstract: This paper presents problems related to the church and the parish house construction the Vistula escarpment zone. Foundation slabs of design buildings are located AT 4,1 – 8,2 m below ground surface. Subsoil of buildings to 11 m depth consists the sandy Clay In a stiff condition. Below sandy clay layer the postglacial compacted sands are distinguished. The sate factors obtained for the Vistula Escarpment with design buildings the stable condition. In order to protect the subsoil conditions of foundation slabs zones against soil properties changing one to the infiltration of rainfall water the drainage system was designed. The water from system drainage outflows gravitationally to two absorbing wells located at escarpment toe.
APA style references: Matusiewicz, W. (2009). Drainage of the structure founded on cohesive soils in Vistula escarpment zone. Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 18 (1), 49-60.
APA style citation in text: The first time citation in text: (Matusiewicz, 2009), next citation: (Matusiewicz, 2009)
Chicago style references: Matusiewicz, Władysław. "Drainage of the structure founded on cohesive soils in Vistula escarpment zone." Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences, 43 ser., vol. 18, no 1, (2009): 49-60.
Chicago style citation in text: (Matusiewicz 2009)
Bibtxt style references: @article{Matusiewicz_2009_PNIKS, author={Matusiewicz, Władysław}, title={Drainage of the structure founded on cohesive soils in Vistula escarpment zone.}, journal={Scientific Review Engineering and Environmental Sciences}, URL={http://iks_pn.sggw.pl/PN43/A6/art6.pdf}, year={2009}, volume={18 (1)}, number={43}, pages={49-60}}
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